Travel theme: Numbers

When I visited the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England, there were many places where I saw numbers.  I walked up a steep hill to get there and discovered numbers with useful information.  This clock was prominently displayed and very unique.


Here is an important sign that tells you what you need to know using numbers.


I found more information showing not only Greenwich but many other cities.  I was so interested in this that I didn’t notice the shadow that my arm created as I took this picture.


I also saw this view of London which may not have had any numbers but it was worth the walk to see!



More numbers can be found here.

From London to Greenwich

It was a sunny afternoon in August, and the line of people waiting to board was shortest for the boat from Westminster Millennium Pier to Greenwich.  I thought it would be interesting to take a boat ride on the Thames to see London landmarks from a different perspective.  Right away I could see the London Eye (a large Ferris wheel), and it was imposing from the water.  If you watched it closely, you could see it moving very slowly.

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