Flowers in December

I was in Florida last week and in addition to the warm weather and sunshine I saw lots of flowers still in bloom.  This was a wonderful sight for December!  Now that I’m back home where it is a bit colder I’m looking at these pictures and already looking forward to the spring.


…and one more cheerful flower.


I’m also looking forward to the holidays!

Travel theme: Animals

I’m just starting to sort through photos from my trip to Florida a few days ago.  It seems that I took lots of pictures of birds and they’re my contribution for the theme from Where’s my backpack? this week.

Here’s a blue jay:

A representation of birds:

Just trying to blend in…

Weekly Photo Challenge: Mine

I’ve been in Florida the past few days and I’m taking pictures on my smartphone that are meant to be used as wallpaper.  These photos are souvenirs of my trip that I’ll enjoy in the future  (especially during the winter)!   I really didn’t have any plans to share them.  But with this week’s photo challenge in mind, here is one of the souvenir photos taken with my phone.

Sunrise in St. Petersburg, Florida: