A New Year

I started Meg Travels back in 2011, and after taking a break started posting again this fall. I also started a new blog in September called Meggie’s Adventures that shares family stories and even explains why I have always loved flowers, travel and ice cream (and gelato)! It’s been fun and I’m looking forward to seeing you there. I’ve also been working on travel plans for the future and look forward to more adventures.

Here’s to a wonderful 2021.

Happy New Year!

Renewing a Passport

Next month it will be time to renew my passport.  It’s a little worn now with lots of interesting stamps and memories, including a stamp from my very first visit to Italy.  On the back cover are colorful stickers that have accumulated over the years.  When I started traveling with this passport I didn’t take many photos.  I was too busy looking around and trying to remember everything that I saw.  Because of this I have very few pictures from early trips.  Then there was the time that I forgot to bring my camera to the Grand Place in Brussels. I had to buy a disposable camera and to my disappointment the pictures were blurry.  I’ll have to go there again so I can get better photographs!

It’s wonderful to have done so much traveling over the past few years.  Here are some of my favorite memories of trips where I took many, many pictures.

Now that it’s time for a new passport I’m definitely planning on more traveling, and some trips will be local since I’m living in a different place (Virginia).  I’m looking forward to more adventures and to start getting stamps in my new passport!

Capture the Colour

I want to say “Thank you” to Kathryn from  Travel with Kat for this nomination.  I’m happy to have the opportunity to show photos I’ve taken that correspond to the following colors: blue, green, yellow, white, and red.  If you go to TravelSupermarket.com you’ll find out more about “Capture the Colour.”  It explains all the steps needed to participate, and there are prizes, too.   And now here are my photos.



I was in Capri, Italy and used a chairlift to get to the top of the island.  While there I enjoyed watching the progress of the boats in the water.  I recall the experience in Capri from a Chair Lift.


These are some water lilies from Monet’s Garden in Giverny, France.  I was there in the spring and I thought there wouldn’t be much in bloom.  As it turned out, there was no need for concern.  I wrote about what I saw that day in The Beautiful Flowers of Giverny


When I’m in Venice, my goal (once I’ve stood in Saint Mark’s Square) is to wander and get away from the crowds.  I’ve always found that once I’m off the main road there are more everyday – and less touristy – sights.   I really like seeing laundry hanging from the windows too.


I was in Zermatt, Switzerland on a warm spring day with a clear blue sky.  But the whole time there was a little cloud around the Matterhorn.  I finally realized it wasn’t going away and it made the scene a little more dramatic.


I took this picture while I was walking around downtown Dallas, Texas in January.  I was looking for the flagship Neiman Marcus building when I saw this oversized Christmas ornament.  I describe my visit in Greetings from Dallas.